Baburam Gurung, the CEO and Founder of Advent Himalaya Treks, leads the company with a focus on public relations and guest satisfaction. His journey began in Chichila Rural Municipality, Sankhuwasabha district, near Mt. Makalu. Starting as a porter in 1996, he worked his way up through training and education in tourism management.
Gurung has extensive experience in guiding treks across Nepal and has traveled internationally, enhancing his hospitality skills. In 2009, he founded Advent Himalaya Treks to offer quality trekking services. He is known for customizing trips to meet clients’ preferences and actively contributes to community initiatives.
Name: Meera Gurung
Address: Sankhuwa Sava
Post: Office manager
Name: Megha Raj Gurung
Address: Chichila Rural Municipality 4,Sankhuwa Sava district
Post: Nepal Trekking guide
Language: He is fluent in English - Chinese and Malaysian languages.
Name: Takman Gurung
Address: Sitalpati V.D.C. agla, Sankhuwa Sava
Post: Senior trekking cook and guide
Language: English, French
Name: Bholaman Gurung
Address: Matsya Pokhari V.D.C. 4, Sankhuwa Sava.
Post: Trekking guide
Language: English
Name: Santa Bahadure Gurung
Address: Matsya Pokhari V.D.C. 4, Sankhuwa Sava
Post: Trekking and Expedition senior cook
Experience: 17 years working with many different trekking agencies as # 1 trekking and Expedition cook.
Language: English, Spanish
Name: Asish Gurung
Address: Bhot Khola Rural Municipality 4, Sankhuwa Sava
Post: Nepal National Mountain Guide / International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations (IFMGA)
Experience: Mt. Everest Summit 4 times, Mt. Lotshe 2 times, Mt. Aamadablam 5 tims and more than 40 above 6000m peaks summited.
Language: English, Japany
Name: Sujan Gurung
Address: Bhot Khola Rural Municipality 4, Sankhuwa Sava
Post: Nepal National Mountain Guide
Experience: Mt. Everest Summit 2 times, Mt. Manaslu 2 time, Mt. Aamadablam 5 tims and above 6000m peaks more than 15.
Language: English
Name: Dipan Gurung
Address: Bhot Khola Rural Municipality 4, Sankhuwa Sava
Post: Nepal Mountain Guide
Experience: Mt. Everest 2 tims, Mt. K2 one time, Aamadablang 1 time, many more 6000m peaks Summit.
Language: English
Name: Namgel La
Address: Bhot Khola Rural Municipality , Sankhuwa Sava
Post: Nepal Mountain Guide
Experience: Mera peak Summit and Many more
Language: English, Japany
Special Advisors
Allison Towner
Melbourne Australia
Dennis Dowling
Melbourne, Australia
Peter Uhlmann
Vancouver, Canada
Roel Pronk

Niels de Blok

Bruce John Higgins is a key guest of the Advent Himalaya Treks team. He brings a wealth of experience, expertise, family and friends to the company. Particularly in the areas of trekking and adventure tourism, his contributions help ensure that clients, family, friends have safe, enjoyable, and memorable experiences while exploring the Himalayas.