Bhutan, also known as the “Land of the Thunder Dragon,” is a captivating and exclusive destination nestled in the Himalayas. Here are some highlights.
Thimphu: Bhutan’s capital town, rich in ancient temples, golden pagodas, and natural beauty.
Paro: A beautiful city known for its iconic Tiger’s Nest Monastery, dramatically perched on a cliffside.
Punakha Dzong: A majestic fortress with stunning architecture.
Trekking Routes: Explore the breathtaking landscapes. Bhutan is more than 70% forested and holds the distinction of being the world’s first carbon-negative country. It’s a paradise for true travelers, where you can enhance your well-being, immerse yourself in wonder, and embark on exhilarating adventures. Despite its remoteness and limited facilities, Bhutan’s warm culture and hospitality make it a unique travel experience. Remember, when planning your visit to Bhutan, consider using a travel agency, work out your itinerary and obtain a visa.